“Coldwater UMC strives to be a safe harbor for all as we grow in
Christ, and respond to the Spirit with childlike curiosity.”
It’s been 2 months since we began our visioning process. Over that time a group
representing the fullness of diversity from our congregation has had Spirit led
conversations, mostly joyous, but some more serious in nature. We’ve named and
defined core values of who we are, and we have made a vision statement, that you just
read. It was fun and life giving to be in this process. I left every meeting hopeful for what
our future would be. But there has always been a question in all of our conversations
and dreaming, the question of your reaction to this statement. Our statement works for
us, it’s pretty, we think it’s clear enough, but its real test lies with you. Because, this
must be our statement if it will be worth anything. So, we invite your comments and
feedback at the Palm Sunday brunch following our Palm Sunday cantata on April 2nd at
10 am. Members of the visioning team will be scattered throughout the Fellowship hall
willing to answer questions and hear your thoughts. We welcome your feedback. : )
While we covet your feedback we also consider that regardless of what our
statement is, if it is good as presented or needs to be altered, this is going to be a
season of change for our church. It’s already has been! We are living into the change of
pastoral leadership, the change of secular and sacred attitudes towards church activity,
the changing of Coldwater as a growing and more diverse community. Change it
appears, is all around us and now is our chance to respond.
I’m grateful to be in this place with all of you. I’m grateful to be apart of a
congregation that values fun and blends that with the spiritual. I’m grateful for your
service and dedication to our church. And I’m grateful to be here responding to this
change with you.
May God Bless us in this changing time,
-Pastor Scott Marsh